Why ?


wpe2.jpg (19177 bytes) About two years ago my mum was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was only through a routine screening that this was discovered. At the time it was very stressful for my mum and the rest of the family, there was nothing we could do but be there to support her.
She under went an operation and a course of radiotherapy treatment. Thankfully just before Christmas last year (1999) the doctors gave her the all clear.
So this year I have decided to raise as much money as possible for the charity that was the most help to her, Breast Cancer Care.To do this I will be cycling from Lands End to John O’Groats to try and raise £2000 for the year 2000.
Breast Cancer Care devotes itself to raising the awareness of breast cancer and offers support and advice to people via a free phone helpline. Hopefully I will be able to reach my target goal of £2000.
Breast Cancer Care can be reach either through the link on this web site or on the telephone on 0808 800 6000.

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